Doing & Visiting

Finissage 'NEIGHBOURS'


The sculpture garden 'NEIGHBOURS' gives an insight into the fascinating practice of 20 contemporary visual artists from home and abroad. The artists enter into dialogue with the gardens, Rubens and the rich cultural history of the castle. A sculpture garden where you can discover, learn and be amazed by a play of form and colour.

Curator is Manor Grunewald (°1985), a Belgian visual artist currently living and working in Ghent. Grunewald considers himself primarily a painter, although he is also active in sculpture, installation and graphics. His own work is characterised by the constant analysis of the development of the pictorial in our everyday environment. Scenography is in the hands of Bram Vanderbeke (°1991), a Ghent-based artist/designer. Bram creates 'Architectural Objects': monumental designs with a distinct materiality and aesthetics. He explores and transforms possible interactions between an object, its architectural environment and its user, additionally challenged by the object's raw materiality, form and function.


Thursday 12 October 2023 from 16:00 to 23:00


Art Promenade

