Watching & Listening

Lecture: Heritage keepers of Fruit


Pomko writes fruit-based cultural history stories that focus on finding, securing and preserving the heritage surrounding old fruit varieties. You will discover Pomko's approach to orchard projects. These can go in any direction: a collection or themed orchard, the reconstruction of an original planting on a castle dating from, say, 1810 or the bringing-to-life of a pomological book or reference work, ... So not just any orchards, but always orchards with a strong, locally anchored and heritage-related story.

Pomko's ultimate goal is to "pass on what we got from our ancestors to our (grand)children." What Pomko, learns, experiences, fascinates, smells, tastes... we also want to pass on to our future generations. That they too will have quick and contemporary (read digital) access to the rich fruity past that was so central in Belgium in the 18th and 19th centuries for a long time to come.

Around castles, not only beautiful parks and kitchen gardens used to be laid out, but there was also lei fruit present in all kinds of forms. It was the supreme aim of the 'castle gardener' not only to grow the most beautiful fruit on the espaliers but also to present it on the table when the lord of the castle was allowed to receive high visitors.

In this lecture, we take you on a journey through the wonderful world of cultural-historical orchard projects.


Saturday 23 September 2023 from 11:00 to 12:00



