Doing & Visiting

Stories Unfold ‘REFLECTIONS’ - From request to circular Pavilion

last resort

The absolute eye-catcher at Stories Unfold is the Circular Pavilion, an innovative and climate-neutral showpiece hosting a variety of lectures and unique concerts, among other activities.

On October 19, Team Vlaams Bouwmeester is organising a public evening, where the client Eventflanders and the creators of Constructlab and 019 will discuss the fascinating construction process, from request to realisation. The project will be explained by Jouri De Pelecijn (project supervisor Team Vlaams Bouwmeester), Tomas Lootens (019), Bert Villa (ConstructLab), and others. 

The evening will start with a welcome reception, after which the speakers will explain the workings of Team Vlaams Bouwmeester through concrete examples. Next, Tomas Lootens (019) and Bert Villa (ConstructLab) will elaborate on the collective design and construction process. We conclude with an open conversation between Matthias Ver Eecke (co-project leader Stories Unfold of EventFlanders), Team Vlaams Bouwmeester and ConstructLab members. They will discuss the summer school 'Last Resort', which acted as a stepping stone between construction and the open public phase.

Are you curious and would you like to attend REFLECTIONS? Then book your free ticket now, because it will be an interesting evening.



Thursday 19 October 2023 from 19:00 to 22:00




Free upon registering