Doing & Visiting

Workshop: What it's like to be a bat (cancelled)


This event is unfortunately cancelled.

"Bat families inhabit the same place for decades and develop a unique relationship with it over generations. But how do our nocturnal friends experience this Rubens castle? How is bat and human use connected and how can this grow through conscious encounter?

During the workshop, we creatively formulate answers to these questions. Through several inspiring and instructive steps, we try to adopt the bat's perspective. On Saturday evening, an expert introduces us to the life of the bat and we try to observe them with the help of instruments. On Sunday morning, we move through various observation exercises into the bat's sensory reality. After noon, we will translate this graphically and explore the domain as a future place of encounter between humans and bats.

Workshop aimed at an adult audience.

Food/drinks can be purchased on site. Participants are encouraged to bring graphic tools (pencils, pen, camera, Ipad,...).

This workshop is organised by the research centre Futures Through Design as part of the 'Decentering Design' project.

Important: This workshop will be spread over two days. If you register, the workshop will start on 14 October from 7pm to 10pm and continue on 15 October from 9am to 5pm.


Sunday 15 October 2023 from 09:00 to 22:00


Castle garden


Free subject to registration