

Sustainability is at the heart of Stories Unfold

Events often have a significant environmental footprint due to energy consumption, waste production, transport, and so on.

Green energy

We draw electricity from the fixed grid, which is currently the most sustainable method available. Furthermore, all our electricity is sourced from 100% green energy supplied by the Flemish Energy Company.

Waste water

The grey water from our Bar 1635 is collected in large tanks and transported by a certified party directly to the nearby Aquafin water treatment plant in Hofstade. 

Bar 1635

Bar 1635 primarily works with local, seasonal and fair-trade products. In addition, 80% of our menu consists of vegetarian and vegan dishes. 

We have also eliminated the use of disposable plastic cups and cutlery, instead opting for reusable glasses and crockery. 


We actively encourage visitors to use public transport, bicycles or walk to our event. At Eppegem station, we provide shared bicycles for convenient transportation. Furthermore, on weekends and busy days, our 100% electric shuttle service operates between Eppegem station and Rubens Castle. 


The pavilion is a 100% temporary structure that will leave no traces after Stories Unfold. The installation is mounted on screw piles, which can be easily rotated out of the ground. This approach eliminates the need for traditional concrete foundations and minimises our environmental impact. Moreover, any used wood, flags, and tarpaulin will be upcycled to give them a second life.

Sustainable communication

Have you seen the many QR codes? To significantly reduce our paper consumption, we use digital communication and chalkboards. 

If you have any paper flyers or cards for your event or business, please leave them in our Regional Shop.

Waste management

Sorting and recycling, that’s obvious. Thank you for immediately throwing your waste in the right bins!

CO2 neutrality

Organising an event will always involve direct (by the organisation itself) and indirect (by suppliers or visitors) CO2 emissions. The exact amount depends on many factors. For example, think about the necessary energy consumption, the distance a supplier travels, or the type of transportation used by a visitor.

By conducting measurements and surveys among suppliers and visitors, we accurately calculate the CO2 emissions of Stories Unfold.

To make Stories Unfold a carbon-neutral event, we conduct thorough measurements and surveys of suppliers and visitors to determine our carbon emissions. We then offset these emissions by taking the necessary measures.


Multiple monitoring units for temperature, air pressure, humidity, CO2 concentration, particulate matter, and noise level are strategically placed throughout the castle grounds. This data allows us to understand the local impact of the event and provides valuable insights for future events.


Our compost toilets offer numerous benefits, including water conservation, zero wastewater production and the generation of natural fertiliser through composting.

Moreover, we promote water conservation by advocating soap-free showers, which indirectly mitigates wastewater pollution and reduces CO2 emissions.
